Starting next semester, following a series of changes in leadership and accountability, the popular Reach Out organization will lead more service-oriented experiences abroad...
Roughly half of the record-breaking number of students who applied to one of Reach Out’s nine spring break service trips will be notified by 5 p.m. tomorrow whether they will...
Inspired by a recent service to trip to Uganda, a group of Yalies are trying to build upon their contributions to Ugandan non-profits long after they’ve returned to school in...
Reach Out, the student-run program that sends Yale students on service trips abroad, sends about as many students abroad as Yale does during the academic year.
Though Reach...
Spring Break will soon be upon Yale undergraduate students and, while most will disperse to various beach and home destinations, 60 undergraduate students will fly to Latin...
While many Yale students were lying on beaches over spring break, Ella Smith ’05 was kneeling on the ground mixing cement to build the foundation of a house in Nicaragua....
Yale students fought hunger with goats, llamas and samba at Dwight Hall Sunday afternoon.
Reach Out, an undergraduate association committed to fostering global awareness and...